Dear On-line Reader: Thank you very much for downloading the demo for WinTransition95 (version 1.1) and we appreciate your interests in this product. WinTransition95 is the most intuitive and easy to use multimedia Windows95 tutorial. It is very easy to use, and packed with valuable contents that will help you to quickly gain valuable knowledge to become a productive Windows 95 user. After you unzipped the downloaded zip file, you will see there is an EXE file. Simply double click on that file, either in Windows3.1 or Windows 95, the program will start. WinTransition 95 can be run on both Win3.1 and Win95 operating systems. So if you haven’t upgrade your system to Win95, you will still be able to use it in your current Windows 3.1 environment. WinTransition 95 is a multimedia product, combining animation, graphics, music, etc. to give you the best learning experience. For those of you who haven’t used Win95, this tutorial gives you a best heads-up and quickly get you ready to use Windows 95 in the future. You will learn the fundamentals of Win95 and quickly master the basic skills to perform daily tasks. If you already are a Win95 user, this product also shows many unique tips that will enhance your knowledge and makes you more productive and become a more efficient Win95 user. The registered product is more than 14 MB in size, and comes with the Setup program to help you to easily install it. For your short on-line downloading time, most of the contents are stripped out from this demo to make the file size small enough to be downloadable and be able to put on a floppy so you can show your coworkers and friends as well. However, you can still get a glimpse of how the product works. If you go to the "Animation Tutorial" menu and the "Tips Fountain 1" menu, there are arrows point to a topic that you can actually run, to get an idea how the tutorial works. WinTransition registered version cost only $15.00. Compare to many magazines and books that easily cost several time more, this is a very good value for your money. In fact you won’t be able to find some tips shown in this product in any other reference books. We are committed to make future enhancement to this product, such as adding more tips and enhance user interface. If you register now, you will entitle a 30% discount to any future upgrades. To register: Send a check or money order of $15 plus $3.00 Shipping ($18.00 total), payable to Alpha Micro Technologies, to the following address: Alpha Micro Technologies 275 Lirac Court Alpharetta, GA 30202 USA Again, thank you for your interests, and we hope you like the demo and will register, to become a more productive Windows 95 user. Alpha Micro Technologies